Angie Schmitt
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Richmond, Virginia, Shows How Smaller Cities Can Get Serious About Transit
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The city has started work on its first BRT route, which could be the beginning of an 80-mile network.
It’s Official: Mexico City Eliminates Mandatory Parking Minimums
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The largest city in North America has done away with one of the biggest hidden subsidies for driving: minimum parking requirements. The new regulations will make housing more affordable, transit more convenient, and streets less congested.
How Ethical Is Your Driving?
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Most of us who drive don't spend much time weighing the morals of our behavior as motorists, but we should. Otherwise, by the time the ethical implications of our behavior are clear, it's probably going to be too late.
What If Atlanta Taxed Parking to Keep Housing Affordable?
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A tax on parking could generate funds for affordable housing and transit in Atlanta. The question is whether the city has the political appetite to enact it.
Nashville Is Finally Tackling Its Sidewalk Problem
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In Nashville, only 37 percent of streets have sidewalks, according to the most generous estimates. Now a new law will require developers to build them, or pay a price.
An All-Too-Rare Idea to Improve Transit: Put People Who Ride Transit in Charge
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Transit agency boards are often dominated by political hacks with little or no transit expertise -- many don't even know what it's like to ride the transit systems they oversee. Dallas is trying something different.
Macon, Georgia, Striped a Good Network of Temporary Bike Lanes and Cycling Soared
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The experiment shows that if you build it, they will come -- even in smaller cities without a strong culture around active transportation.
You Can’t Have Family-Friendly Cities Without Kid-Friendly Streets
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A lot of cities assume that all parents who can move to the suburbs will do so. But it doesn't have to be that way.
A Tribute to Branden Klayko, Who Loved Louisville and Wanted His City to Be Its Best
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Branden Klayko, an architect and Louisville native who founded the local blog Broken Sidewalk, for years part of the Streetsblog Network, has died at 33.
Study: Drivers With Smart Phones Use Them Almost Every Time They Drive
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Motorists with smart phones use their devices in 88 out of every 100 trips, according to data collected by Zendrive, a company that assesses driving behavior using the sensors in smart phones. Extrapolating to the entire population, Zendrive estimates there are about 600 million trips involving distracted driving in the U.S. each day.
The “Jaywalker” Brutalized By Sacramento Police Was Stopped for No Reason at All
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When the line between a legally justifiable stop and outright harassment is so thin, it can easily become a pretext for racial profiling.
Mexico City May Abolish Its Parking Minimums
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Mexico City Mayor Miguel Mancera is pursuing a sweeping overhaul of the city's parking policy that's expected to do away with minimum parking requirements and generate revenue for transit and affordable housing. If enacted, the reforms could set an important precedent for cities in North and South America.