Today’s Headlines
- Memphis Transit Ask: $30 Million to Improve Service (Daily News)
- Growth Pressures Charlotte to Boost Transit, But Where’s the Money? (Biz Journal)
- Tampa Officials Now OK With Regional Transit Authority Bill (Florida Politics)
- Lakeland, FL Not Excited About Proposed FDOT Ped Bridges Over Train Tracks (Ledger)
- Feds Will Resolve Greenway Dispute in Roanoke (WSLS)
- Light Traffic for Braves Home Opener at New Stadium Surprises Sandy Springs Officials (Reporter)
- Tiny Sinkhole in Midtown Atlanta Now Swallowing Most of a Block (Curbed)
- Bicycle Barn Rents Bikes to BeltLine Users (Atlanta Intown)
- “Hang In There” Cat-Themed I-85 T-Shirts Benefit Atlanta Homeless (Creative Loafing)
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